

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Clubmoss Trees Nocturne in 360 panorama

Here it is. This is the third nocturne 360-pano on Clubmoss trees that Wee and I made on last Saturday night. Just click on the image title to view the VR format.

What are Clubmoss trees? Make the jump to find out.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Trees of Stone Nocturne in 360 panorama

Here's another excellent panorama work by Wee aka etegration. Click on the image title to view the VR format.

Trees of Stone nocturne in 360 panorama

What are Trees of Stone? Make the jump to find out.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Evolution Garden Nocturne in 360 panorama

Last night, I met up with Wee aka etegration, for another round of 360 panorama nocturne. We got to Singapore Botanic Garden's Evolution Garden. A nice quiet and dark place that's ideal for light-painting. Here's one of the 360-pano we did. Click on the image title to view the VR format.

In the 360-pano virtual reality view, you will see these colorful circular mushroom-like stones. These are called Stromatolites.

What are Stromatolites? Make the jump to find out more.