

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sleeping Excavator 2

Sleeping Excavator 2
I took a different perspective of the excavator at a low angle and after a few takes, the clouds set in which all came at the appropriate time. Exposed for 25 seconds with a Variable-ND filter set at 3 or 5 stops down, on my Tokina 11-16mm lens at f/11. One neutral light was used as fill light on the excavator from camera left.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Sleeping Excavator

Sleeping Excavator
Second attempt on star trails at an industrial area. The area was heavily lit with sodium vapour street lights but with proper color corrections in Photoshop, the strong yellow-orange color cast can still be removed. Neutral  cool white light was used to light-paint the excavator. 20 long exposures of 1 minutes and stacked in Photoshop using Dr Brown's Stack-a-matic.

At the time of posting this blog, the excavator was removed and the langlang (long grasses) were mowed.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Stargazing Water Tank

Stargazing Water Tank
This is my very first attempt on star trails photography. 20 long exposures of 1 minute were made and stacked in Photoshop using Dr. Brown's Stack-a-matic. Light-painted green on the water tank with my FENIX TA21 flashlight on green colored gel.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Night Street Photo - Under The Street Light

Under The Street Light
Nikon D70s on 17-35mm @ f/3.2, 1/15 second, Matrix Metering at ISO 1600 EV +1.0, Auto WB. Post-processed in Photoshop.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Night Street Photo - Enjoy The Joy Ride

Enjoy The Joy Ride
Nikon D70s on 17-35mm @ f/3.2, 1/30 second, Matrix Metering at ISO 1600 EV +1.0, Auto WB. Post-processed in Photoshop.

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Abandoned Houses

Abandoned Houses
I was in hope that the night sky would be cleared of heavy clouds so I could make my very first star trails exposure. The night weather in Ipoh was pretty good and for this photograph I exposed for 10 minutes. Guess I was lucky to have some scattered small clouds passing by and managed to capture some star trails and clouds motion.

The interiors of both houses were lit with my Fenix TA21 covered with yellow cellophane paper and a light reflector for even and wider light spread. Some neutral lighting as fill-in on the foreground for some texture details.

So, this nocturne marks the last photo from my Ipoh trip. Yes there are not many photographs as you would expected. Personally I go for quality over quantity and I am very satisfied with these nocturnes (a total of 4).

In the next blog I will show my very first successful star trails photograph. So do subscribe to my blog for new updates. Good night and lights off!

Saturday, May 02, 2015

The Mime's House

The Mime's House
One of the abandoned houses in Batu Gajab, Ipoh, Malaysia, has this black and white hands signage pasted on the main house door. Well naturally I got attracted to it and hence this photograph was made.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Foliage Engulfment 2

Raining along the highway from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh.

Good evening fellow night dwellers and photogs!

As promised, I'll be showing one of the few nocturnes that I made during my night photography trip to Ipoh, Malaysia in late March 2015. Starting tonight, I will post one night photograph per blog on every Saturday night.

Make the jump to view...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Teaser GIF Animated - Sleeping Excavator

Sleeping Excavator
Here's another teaser of a GIF Animated or so-called super-short timelapse of only 5 frames. Last night I had a great time making what I considered as good night photographs. I wouldn't talk much about it now, but do come back for new blog posts with new night photographs.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Coney Island

Coney Island
Nikon D300 on 18-70mm • Incandescent WB at native ISO 200 • Long exposure of a minute with available full moon light • Post-processed in Photoshop. The white horizontal strip of light was a passing boat.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Chalet House (HDR)

Chalet House (HDR)
Here's another chalet house but in HDR (High Dynamic Range) effect. I made 8 exposures of 2-stop difference each and merged all in Photoshop. Further processing on color correction and enhancement were made. This is my second attempt on HDR night photograph and I am quite satisfied with this result.

As usual, I want to see how it looks like in black & white tones, hence the conversion was made.

Chalet House

Chalet House
Last night I had the pleasure to visit this place located in the north-east area of Singapore i.e. Punggol Jetty Park. There's a Horse Riding Center and next to it is a row of chalet houses, as seen from the above photograph.

Minutes after sunset the area got darker and the atmosphere set in. I made a quick set up and easily created 5 different exposures for a HDR post-process. However it didn't work out well, so I decided to process in a different way and this is the result.

Well, I still love black & white images and below is the converted result. I just want to see how it looks like in black & white and somehow I find it to be more dramatic and moody.

Teaser Night Photograph - Foliage Engulfment

Foliage Engulfment

Good evening! Here's a teaser night photograph made from my Malaysia trip last week. It was a great fun and fruitful trip! More details and nocturnes to be shared soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Heartland Tranquility

Heartland Tranquility
Yes I'm back again. Yes I know I know. I was on hiatus again and it just couldn't get any worse than the previous one. It's 4 months and 8 days to be precise.

Well I was more focused on day and night street photography, and not totally forgotten about night photography, light-paintings and stuff. I still have a strong affinity that is stored deep inside me. Last Saturday I decided to move my ass out of the house to make some night photos, just to serve as a warm-up exercise.

I decided to pay a second visit to a place which I made some nocturnes of an old school playground before i.e. Dove playground. Visit my website to view more of my night project on old school playgrounds titled, This Used To Be My Playground.

This time round no light-paintings, no playground. The main objective was to experience and feel the night atmosphere in that neighborhood. To capture that available ambience and tranquility. News were out that these old HDB flats will be demolished. Based on the my very first visit, I recalled the night tranquility in that area which I really like it very much.

So I roamed the area and spotted a few good subjects. Heartland Tranquility is one of them. The moment I saw that hot light on the tree and silhouette and long cast shadow, I knew I have found it. I made a few long exposures ranging between 10 - 20 seconds, trying out different framing, perspectives and focal length, this is the final one after much editing during the post-production stage.

Here are the rest of the night photographs I made on that single night.

Dakota Crescent
Free Library
Sleeping on the Porch
Yes just 4 good ones. Could have more when I find time to visit the place again. I hope you enjoy your stay here tonight and have a pleasure viewing my new work. As I mentioned, this served as a good warm-up exercise for me and I will be heading to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia next weekend, for more exciting night photography outings with a good friend of mine and fellow night photographer, CS Lee.

I'm so looking forward to this trip. So if you want to see my new work from Malaysia, do subscribe to my blog here for new updates. Thank you for your time.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

CANCELLATION of Singapore Night Hunt 2014

It came as a sad news that Singapore Night Hunt 2014 was cancelled. I received an email yesterday late afternoon from the organizer. Their reason for cancellation was due to the unfavorable weather during these past few days.

I recalled the first Night Hunt 4 years ago, it was raining too. It rained during the event briefing and then stopped. It rained again at around mid-night hour. Not those torrential type. However this year-end monsoon season is coming at the wrong time. It did rain today during the late morning towards noon hour period and then rained again in the afternoon. Just light shower. There was another short showering an hour ago (evening time around 7:00PM SGT).

At the time of writing this blog, weather is partly cloudy and based on reliable weather forecast, there's a possible thunderstorms with rain at 12-midnight.

Personally I would suggest the organizer to collaborate with Singapore Night Festival, in joint to organize the Singapore Night Hunt, which I think it is more relevant. Alternatively they can organize the photo-marathon contest prior to the official opening of SIPF (Singapore International Photography Festival). Or they can organize during the dry season, not necessary have to be held during SIPF. It can be a separate event.

Well guess we have to wait for another 4 years for the next night photo-marathon contest. We'll see.