

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Night Photography Outing with Troy Paiva & friends

75 Loewen
© 2010 Martin Liew Photography

OK here I am, writing this blog about the night photography outing with Troy Paiva and friends. How do I begin? It was the most amazing, exciting and fun night outing I ever had. An unforgettable experience doing nocturnes with Troy!

Make the jump for the night adventure.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Great Surprise!

October 11 2010, Monday was the greatest and exciting day for me. I went to work as usual , pretty refreshing after recovering from a cold. I checked my mail box and to my great surprise, I received an email from one of my favorite and greatest night photographers.

Make the jump to find out who is the night photographer.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Walk in the Garden

© 2010 Martin Liew Photography.

I took a walk in Toa Payoh Garden this evening. It's been a long time since my last visit. I arrived at about 7:00 PM and the lamps were just lit on. I've passed by this Garden many times from work all the way to the Bus Interchange but didn't make effort to walk over.

Walk with me, if you will.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

'Art of Dark Craft' - A Night Photography Talk Session @ SAM

Photographs © 2010 Martin Liew Photography

This month Singapore Art Museum presents Digital Nights @ SAM as part of the first edition of Digital Nights 2010, a grand showcase of visual and digital arts. Starting from 17th September to 26th September.

Good news is, I'll be giving a talk under their titled event,  'Art of Dark Craft', where I'll be sharing my photography work and experience, and perhaps some night photography tips & techniques. The talk will be held at the Chapel @ SAM on 24th September 2010, Friday night from 7:00PM to 9:00PM. It's a free event and open to public. If you are keen to learn night photography, do come down with your camera and tripod. Hope to see you guys there.

For more details on Digital Nights 2010, please click here.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Laser Pointer, a Light-painting Tool Part 2

Last week I got myself a new light-painting tool. I bought a green laser pointer for S$52 as a set in which it comes with a free AAA size battery and a diopter lens adaptor. The diopter lens adaptor is this smudgy opaque lens that distorts the laser beam and creates some wonderful effects when fix onto the laser pointer beam head. Jump right in to see some of the results.

"Scott, beam me in!"

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Location Recce: Nissen huts

Last week I went for a location recce of these abandoned Nissen huts in the northern area. To my great disappointment, the whole vicinity is locked up and no entrance or whatsoever is possible.

Read more on the Nissen hut story.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Night at the Railway Station

A couple of weeks ago, I went to KTM Railway Station a.k.a. Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. As news broke out about the closing down of the station and will be shifted to Woodlands, I paid a visit at the station for the first time in my time. I was there one Sunday morning, and got to make some photographs and at the same time, thinking about the possibilities of doing night photography there. You can view the day time photographs in monochrome here.

Make the jump to find out more on what I did for night photography.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Machine Gun Post @ Labrador Part 2

Tonight I want to show you some interesting nocturne fotos taken by my long-time friend, Randall. We have known each other for 13 years now. Randall works in the airline industry and he used to do film photography for leisure and fun. Therefore he has the basic knowledge of composition and exposure.

Recently he picked up photography again as digital photography has made it so much more convenient and more fun. He got himself a Canon 500D and a couples of lenses. As he is all juiced up with energy and enthusiasm, I got him to join me for an organized photography outing, organized by a friend of mine. From there we did some landscape and seascape photography. It's no surprise that Randall picks up quickly and learn fast.

Read on to find out more about the fotos Randall has made.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Machine Gun Post @ Labrador Part 1

I can't say how much relief and joy I had on 27 March 2010, Saturday night that I was able to find time for my nocturne photography and to make some good nocturne fotos. At the same time it was a great pleasure to have a long-time friend to join me for the night outing.

I've always wanted to do nocturnes in Labrador Park. It wasn't my first time there. In the previous week, I did a location recce and I found this machine gun post, which is one of the WWII relics in the park, as my main subject. Its concrete structure design is unique with worn-off textures. I would not talk about the history of this machine gun post here as I dun wanna bore you.

So read on to find out how I made the photographs as I explain and share the techniques used.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Clubmoss Trees Nocturne in 360 panorama

Here it is. This is the third nocturne 360-pano on Clubmoss trees that Wee and I made on last Saturday night. Just click on the image title to view the VR format.

What are Clubmoss trees? Make the jump to find out.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Trees of Stone Nocturne in 360 panorama

Here's another excellent panorama work by Wee aka etegration. Click on the image title to view the VR format.

Trees of Stone nocturne in 360 panorama

What are Trees of Stone? Make the jump to find out.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Evolution Garden Nocturne in 360 panorama

Last night, I met up with Wee aka etegration, for another round of 360 panorama nocturne. We got to Singapore Botanic Garden's Evolution Garden. A nice quiet and dark place that's ideal for light-painting. Here's one of the 360-pano we did. Click on the image title to view the VR format.

In the 360-pano virtual reality view, you will see these colorful circular mushroom-like stones. These are called Stromatolites.

What are Stromatolites? Make the jump to find out more.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fort Gate Nocturne in 360 panorama

On 22 November 2009, I received an email from a fellow photographer, who is best known for his 360 panorama photography work. He is known as Wee aka etegration. A cheerful and chatty young guy who's passionate about what he does best. His reputation in making 360 panorama images has preceded him in my case, in the last 2 years.

In his email, he expressed an interest to collaborate with me in doing nocturnes 360 panorama. I was intrigued at his idea and thought I should give it a try...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Laser Pointer, a Light-painting Tool

My laser pointer. © 2009 Martin Liew Photography.

I want to talk about one of the tools used in my nocturne photography i.e. laser pointer. It's a small lighting gadget and yet so useful. I came to discover its usage a few years back when I was doing nocturnes at a local botanic garden, in which they have a small park named Evolution Park. It's a man-made garden in the age of Jurassic with some man-made "dinosaurs" foot prints. As it's not as gigantic as the real monster size, I was thinking hard on how to bring out the shape of the foot-prints in color. That was when the laser pointer idea came to mind. I know it's not something new especially in light-painting and night photography, but it certainly helps me in my creative work which I'll show you shortly.

Laser pointers are battery-powered laser diode and are often used in educational and business presentations where pointing out details by hand is inconvenient. It comes in varies colors - red/red-orange, blue, green, yellow, violet.

As far as I know, we only can get red/red-orange and green colored ones in the local retail stores. Nonetheless, we can still order on the internet, but the prices are steep based on the power level, measured in milliwatts, mW. The power output can be as low as 1 mW and as high as a 125 mW. It would be a thrill to own a set of varied colored laser pointers. It serves like a small paint brush to do light-painting on more precise and specific area. Take one good example from the photograph I made, shown below.

Waiting Chair
© 2009 Martin Liew Photography

In this nocturne photograph, I applied the usual simple light-painting techniques. The room interior on the right side was lit up by a flashlight with a yellow colored cellophane paper. Next I used my LED torch light to light-paint the wall. As I set my digital camera White Balance to Tungsten, LED light induces a blue color cast which is not as vibrant as a true blue colored gel. Yes LED torch light is also another useful light-painting tool.

Lastly I used my laser pointer for the window panel. The great difficulty of using a laser pointer is the tremendously flicking shaking light due to our own natural hand shake, not to mention controling of the light beam direction. Not even people with steady hand power are able to hold still or light-paint in straight line. The greater the subject distance, the more difficult to light-paint as the area is getting smaller. Well, in this case the window panel is in straight symetrical lines, vertically and horizontally. The surface area is slim and narrower which poses great challenge. I did practice a few rounds before I press the shutter release. It takes practice to do a proper light-painting job using this small tool.

Here's another nocturne example I made using my laser pointer on the leaning door.

Red Leaning Door
© 2009 Martin Liew Photography.

I opened up the diopter on my laser pointer to have a wider light beam in rectangular shape, so I can light-paint on such bigger objects with large surface area. The subject distance is closer and controlling is a lot easier. But still, the light spilled and touched onto the wall.

So if you do many light-paintings, you can consider using a laser pointer for additional effects. I do find it very useful and certainly helps me in my creative process of nocturne photography. Thought you might be interested to know and try them out yourself.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

NOCTURNES: The Art of Surrealistic Landscape Part 3

© 2009 Martin Liew Photography

In my last weekend night photography outing, a new friend joined us for the first time in making some interesting night pictures. I took them back to the same old location I did for the past few weekends.

A minor and yet interesting incident happened. We were greeted by some young night dwellers who claimed they are also doing night photography in the same premises we were at. We found out later through a conversation with one of them that they came in 3 separate groups, going different directions in that location area. We saw many flashlight pops. Some of them do not look like photography hobbyists nor enthusiasts. We didn't talk much either but just to make known of our own presence.

Anyway it was yet another fruitful night outing with new nocturne pictures made and to share. I didn't make many pictures that night but able to get 3 pictures that I like very much. Excavator is one of them. It was made towards the dawn hour and we were trying to make different angle shots before day breaks.

I've noticed there are some restoration and construction progress in that location area, as the abandoned buildings are converted into offices. So the work has speed up a little. I feel like going back on the next full moon night but not sure what will happened then. Just gotta do it.

If you want to stay tuned to my latest night photography progress here, do subscribe to my blog via email or RSS. Liekwise you can visit my website to view all the nocturnes I had made. Thank you.